Thursday, March 22, 2007

We support Balala's bid for the presidency

By Najib Balala

I am excited and overwhelmed to appear before what I consider to be an important occasion for all those who believe in the political stability and future prosperity of our country.Today, I need your support to offer a noble service to my nation. As your humble servant, I need your approval and backing as one of the Orange Democratic Movement presidential candidates.
Mine is a call to serve my people and my country. I have the strongest conviction and a most fertile vision for this nation. I refer to a generation change and quality leadership for posterity.
I want to make it clear to my colleagues in ODM-Kenya that my aspiration is not a passion for personal ambition and should not imbue enmity within us. Rather, it should be a benchmark for a united platform to provide a common stand to face our adversaries.

Let us heal the wounds of divisions and stifle the voices of personal ambition; let us dig deep within ourselves in soul-searching and place our convictions to provide a better option. Let us free ourselves from the safety of tribal, ethnic and religious cocoons and appeal to Kenyans to take pride in cultural diversity. It should always be a source of wealth and prosperity and not hatred and animosity.

My vision is not only for free primary and secondary education, but also securing jobs. My vision is not only of primary health care, but universal. My vision is not only freedom of association, but also incorporation and egalitarianism of youth and gender.
My vision is not just for economic prosperity, but also powerful institutions of social justice. My vision is not only for political and religious liberties, but also a wholesome system of social, economic and political liberation.

I promise to invest in strong institutions that will hold our nation together through a people-driven constitution that will ensure prosperity for the generations to come. I promise to seek the advice of the best brains of our nation to enhance the social, economic and political status of our people.

The answer lies in the discipline of our convictions. I cannot say that there will be zero tolerance to corruption and be the first not to exemplify in words and deeds myself. I cannot say my government will provide millions of jobs annually and not have a solid plan for doing that.
I cannot say I will give a new constitution in 100 days and betray the faith of my people and the conviction of my promise. I cannot say I shall provide free primary education and have many drop out due to scarcity of secondary schools and university places.

Were once told that we would have water and healthcare for all by 2000. We were told that we would be a newly developed country by 2015. As we move closer to the dates, tunes have changed and now we hear of Vision 2030! We are no longer that gullible.
For how long are we going to wait? Positive change must come now! The world is changing and progressing; Kenya cannot be left behind. The potential remains enormous and untapped. It is change that I pledge to you.

I know that it is possible to transform this country from the quagmire of tribal politics into a real social democracy. It is possible to get rid of the grinding combination of poverty and disease; it is equally possible to liberate ourselves from the shackles of mediocrity and nepotism.
We will uplift the lives of marginalised people by putting in place structures of a federal system of government through which we will empower them. That much I pledge to you — a real break from the past.

We hear much about the more than five per cent economic growth and a working nation. But it is neither just the question of economic growth figures and rhetoric of a working nation nor is it a question of GDP. GDP must translate into jobs and food for our people.
Indeed, it must translate into irio, pilau, ugali, school fees and above all multiple voices that determine the direction our country takes.

We will not develop and make life better for our people unless we make the investment environment amiable to local and foreign investors. The private sector is the engine of any economy. My government will change the attitude of institutions that hinder business.
From the Kenya Revenue Authority to NEMA, things will have to change so that they promote and facilitate economic development without compromising core duties.
When that happens, our motherland will be a great nation that it was meant to be. We need to establish a new Kenya, new leadership and new ways of doing things for our people in kiosks, jua kali, business and agriculture. The time to act is now and I promise action.
Kenya is crippled by insecurity. No one is safe. It is obvious that burglarproof doors and high fences have never, are not and will never be a source of security. Neither will the barrel of the gun be, for violence begets violence. We need measures informed by research, policy changes and an independent and effective police force.

Only when and if that happens will there be a possibility to create a secure social environment where business can thrive, people move freely, property is safe and the youth will be in schools and colleges not planning bank robberies and violent crime.
Security will be my priority. For me, security means a good economy, freedom, social justice and democracy.

When we advocate security, we must ensure there is security in Kenya; when we advocate peace in the world, we must ensure that there is peace in this country; when we preach equality we must ensure that there is equality in our midst; when we castigate corruption, we must make sure it begins with us; when we talk accountability and transparency, we must practise what we preach.

This is a long journey that I have embarked on — a grand march. A march that is replete with challenges, dangers and scepticism. But as I walk with you, we shall overcome. I shall move with an unshakable conviction that you will be with me all the way until victory dawns on us.
We shall climb the mountain together and if we tire or falter, we shall draw from each other’s strength and hope to rise again.

Najib Balala is the Mvita MP and an ODM-Kenya presidential hopeful.

This article was published by The Standard newspaper

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